How to cleanse and charge your crystal Coucou tools

With our Coucou tools, inspired by ancient rituals and the latest beauty tool trends, we lift up and enhance your beauty routine. For our Coucou Rollers and Gua Shas we use different type of crystals as each crystal has its own power:
Rose Quartz is commonly referred to as the ‘love-stone’: it heals and attracts self-love and love for others. Jade is known to help relax the nervous system and eliminate toxins from the skin and Amethyst is known as the protective stone which clears and focuses the mind.
Like humans, crystals carry energy. If you want to make sure your crystal tools remain powerful at all times, show a little love and gratitude to them!
We have prepared a small guide on how to cleanse and charge your crystal Coucou tools:
1. Running Water
To cleanse your crystals simply run lukewarm water over the crystal part of your Roller or your Gua Sha and gently dry it off using a soft cloth. Never use boiling water or harsh chemicals. You can also leave your crystal tools in a small cup of water and add a few drops of essential oil of your choice.
2. When in doubt, smoke it out!
You can also ‘cleanse’ your crystal tool of lingering energy by lighting incense, dried herbs or a candle and let the smoke waft over it for at least a minute. Just make sure you don't set off your smoke detector and let it rest and cool down before using your tool again. Make sure it is completely cool before use.
3. Sunlight or Moonlight?
Crystals and moonlight go hand in hand. There’s just something about the goddess energy of a full moon. The moon can cleanse crystals on a deep energetic level and this has been a practice for centuries. Moonlight also helps your gems to soak up loving feminine energy. You can easily leave your crystal tools behind the window, works just as well!
Even though sunlight seems a very useful and simple technique for recharging stones, Amethyst and Rose Quartz don’t particularly like sunlight, because this can cause them to fade.