Hi, hey, coucou (yes, that's hello in French)!

Inspired by ancient rituals and the latest beauty trends, we bring you skincare tools and accessories to make your beauty routine more effective and fun! With Coucou we want to show you how fun and important taking care of yourself through beauty truly is.

Beauty is an essential part of self-care. It's about having the tools to take control of your beauty routine, allowing you to do something just for yourself.

In the past years, our own beauty tool brand, along with our Coucouture merch line, has grown into much more than a passion project. We proudly launched over 30+ Coucou products available in established European department stores, won 3 prestigious beauty awards, and our mission to bring Coucou vibes to every bathroom is becoming more visible thanks to you every day! 

Introducing Coucou Skin

Our beauty hearts have been cooking up something special, and it's time to spill the tea. Introducing... COUCOU SKIN, the category you've been waiting for!

After 5 years of digging deep into what makes you, our amazing community, tick, we're thrilled to launch our very first skincare goodie, the Hydrating Jelly Booster. Get ready for skincare that's not only giving your skin a mega boost, but that's lifting your mood too! Think of us as your daily dose of skin & mood lifting magic, because we believe beauty should feel like a chat with your best friend: Effortless, Easy and Full of Smiles, so you can glow inside and out!

Bisous, Team Coucou

We source

the best beauty rituals, all-time heroes and latest rends.

We curate

with our Experts to decide what makes the Coucou Cut.

We explain

so you can make well-informed beauty choices.

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